[eBook] How to Register Your Federal Trademark

Everything You Really Need to Know About Registering a Trademark for Your Small Business

By: Jacob Tingen | Published on December 15th, 2021

Have you ever read a 300 page book only to discover that, at most, 15 to 20 pages are actually useful to your situation?

I know I have, and it frustrates me every single time.

While I could have written a 300 page brick about trademark law, many of the topics would only help a small number of readers who would be better off speaking with a trademark attorney anyway.

Instead, I chose to focus on a core set of topics that will be relevant to all of my readers, no matter what stage of the trademark registration process they’re in.

In this book, I’ve done my best to keep things short and to the point. My time is gold, and so is yours.

Let’s not waste it.

In this 53-page eBook you’ll learn about the following:

  • Chapter 1: Establishing Strong Trademark Rights
  • Chapter 2: Your Trademark Search
  • Chapter 3: How to Register Your Trademark
  • Chapter 4: Should I Hire an Attorney?
  • Chapter 5: Topics Not Covered in this Book
  • Chapter 6: Concluding Remarks

Download the eBook today and take charge of your future.

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