Trademark Class 26: Cloth Finishing

Trademark Class 26 protects cloth finishing and other textile and sewing related goods such as buttons, clips, and needles.
25 de abril de 2018 por
Trademark Class 26: Cloth Finishing
James Williams

Registering a trademark is a great way to protect your brand.

When you register a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), you will need to know which international trademark class or classes best fit your product or service.

This article will cover Trademark Class 26, which protects cloth and clothing finishing, artificial decorative items, and other types of accessories and sewing goods.

Registering a Class 26 Trademark

A trademark is an image, logo, design, slogan, phrase, etc. that shows that you are the origin of your product or service.

Trademarks also set your good or service apart from your competition.

Registering a trademark with the USPTO helps you gain additional protections for your brand in cases where someone infringes on your trademark rights.

Remember when you register a trademark, you only gain protection from infringement in the same industry.

You will only be able to win damages if you can prove the infringement is likely to cause confusion in the marketplace.

For this reason, it is important to use the right international trademark class when you fill out an application.

What is a Class 26 Trademark?

Trademark Class 26 primarily includes textile and sewing goods, as well as other artificial accessories and decorative pieces.

A good way to classify these goods is by thinking about items used for "finishing" an outfit or piece of clothing.

Hair Related Goods

There are many hair-related goods in Trademark Class 26, ranging from ribbons to bobby pins.

Although these items are not directly related to sewing or textiles, think of them as accessories and decorative pieces.

USCIS makes specific note of a few common examples, including products such as decorative hair articles, false hair, hair grips, bobby pins, hair nets, electric and non-electric hair curlers, toupees, and wigs.

Hooks and Closures

Items used for finishing clothing, such as hooks and closures, are also included in this class.

Specifically, belt clasps, blouse and dress fasteners, suspenders, hooks for corsets, snap fasteners, trouser clips, and zippers all fall under this category.

Textile Materials

While most textiles are covered by Trademark Class 24, Class 26 also includes a few specific exceptions which are used for detailing and decorating clothing.

For example, chenille, clothing cords, embroidery, lacework, frills for clothing, and wooden laces are all specifically referenced in the USPTO guidelines.


Class 26 also includes a variety of accessories which are specifically used for decorating clothing (i.e. not jewelry).

Some commonly referenced examples include bird feathers, braids, armbands, brooches, hat trimmings, non-jewelry pins, and shoulder pads.

Misc. Decorative and Display Goods

Just as the above examples "finish" particular outfits, so too do some other examples help finish other decorative displays.

Class 26 also includes various display goods such as artificial flowers and fruit, Christmas garlands and wreaths, prize ribbons, bows and ribbons for presents, and other similar articles.

Sewing Goods

Going by volume, the large majority of the items in Class 26 are related to sewing and making clothing.

Generally speaking, most goods related to sewing, knitting, and crocheting fall under this class.

Binding needles, buttons, collar supports, crochet hooks and needles, embroidery needles, hat bands, knitting needles, needle cushions, rug hooks, sewing needles, and other common sewing implements are all included in this class.

Shoe Related Goods

Finally, Class 26 also covers several finishing items related to shoes.

In this way, shoe fasteners, hooks, laces, trimmings, eyelets, buckles, and shoemakers' needles are all also included in Class 26.

Related Classes

If you are thinking about registering a Class 26 good, you should also consider the related classes that might fit your product better.

Specifically, take note of Trademark Class 14, which covers jewelry, as well as Classes 23-25, which include yarns, threads, fabrics, and clothing.

A lot of the products in these classes are very close to items in Class 26.

If you are unsure if you need to register for more than one class or in one of the others listed, contact an attorney for help.


Businesses use trademarks to lay claim to particular names, logos, and other forms of branding.

However, they may only do so within the specific trademark class they register under.

Trademark Class 26 specifically covers various products which "finish" outfits and articles of clothing, such as ribbons, buttons, and lace.

If you want to register a trademark to protect your brand, you should consider speaking with an experienced trademark attorney who can help walk you through the steps.